the Country
fracturing of rock is a major new source of natural gas and oil for
the US and will change life in this country.
Delivered by Rich Winsor, May 21, 2013
Energy is critical
to economic development. This is because the cost of energy is a
major determinant of the cost of everything we purchase and
especially for important items like food, housing, and
transportation. Some economists have observed that energy cost
generally determines whether an economy prospers or performs poorly.
With energy being so
important, I was originally going to talk about nuclear power,
because that appeared to be a major energy source for the future.
However, I changed topics because now natural gas and oil from
"fracking" shale has become much more important to the
energy future of the country.
First we need to
understand what "fracking" is and how it works, and then we
need to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using it. Please
note that most of this material is quoted from Wikipedia, which I
find is often a good source of information with relatively little
Hydraulic fracturing is the propagation of fractures
in a rock layer, by a pressurized fluid. Some hydraulic fractures
form naturally—certain veins or dikes are examples—and can create
conduits along which gas and petroleum from source rocks may migrate
to reservoir rocks. Induced hydraulic fracturing or hydrofracking,
commonly known as fracking, is a technique used to release petroleum,
natural gas (including shale gas, tight gas, and coal seam gas), or
other substances for extraction. This type of fracturing creates
fractures from a wellbore drilled into reservoir rock formations.
The first use of hydraulic fracturing was in 1947,
but the modern fracking technique, called horizontal slickwater
fracking, that made the extraction of shale gas economical was first
used in 1998 in the Barnett Shale in Texas. The energy from the
injection of a highly pressurized fracking fluid creates new channels
in the rock, which can increase the extraction rates and ultimate
recovery of hydrocarbons.
Proponents of
fracking point to the economic benefits from vast amounts of formerly
inaccessible hydrocarbons that the process can extract. Opponents
point to potential environmental impacts, including contamination of
ground water, risks to air quality, the migration of gases and
hydraulic fracturing chemicals to the surface, surface contamination
from spills and flowback and the health effects of these. For these
reasons hydraulic fracturing has come under scrutiny internationally,
with some countries suspending or even banning it. Let's discuss
fracking in greater detail.
as a method to stimulate wells dates back to the 1860s, and using
acid to open fractures was introduced in the 1930s. The first
hydraulic fracturing experiment was conducted in 1947 in southwestern
Kansas, and in 1949 Halliburton performed the first two commercial
hydraulic fracturing treatments in Oklahoma and Texas. Since then,
hydraulic fracturing has been used to stimulate approximately a
million oil and gas wells.
The technique of
hydraulic fracturing is used to increase or restore the rate at which
fluids, such as petroleum, water, or natural gas can be produced from
subterranean natural reservoirs. Reservoirs are typically porous
sandstones, limestones, or dolomite rocks, but also include
"unconventional reservoirs" such as shale rock or coal
beds. Hydraulic fracturing enables the production of natural gas and
oil from rock formations deep below the earth's surface (generally
5,000–20,000 feet). At such depth, there may not be sufficient
permeability or reservoir pressure to allow natural gas and oil to
flow from the rock into the wellbore at economic rates. Fractures
provide a conductive path connecting a larger volume of the reservoir
to the well. However, the yield for a typical shale gas well
generally falls off sharply after the first year or two.
A hydraulic fracture is formed by pumping the fracturing fluid into
the wellbore at a rate sufficient to increase pressure downhole to
exceed that of the fracture gradient of the rock. The rock cracks
and the fracture fluid continues further into the rock, extending the
crack still further, and so on. Operators typically try to maintain
"fracture width", or slow its decline, following treatment
by introducing into the injected fluid a proppant – a material such
as grains of sand, ceramic, or other particulates, that prevent the
fractures from closing when the injection is stopped and the pressure
of the fluid is reduced. During the process, fracturing fluid
leakoff, i.e. loss of fracturing fluid from the fracture channel into
the surrounding permeable rock occurs.
Horizontal drilling involves wellbores where the
terminal drill hole is completed as a "lateral" that
extends parallel with the rock layer containing the substance to be
extracted. Laterals extend 1,500 to 5,000 feet in the Barnett Shale
basin in Texas and up to 10,000 feet in the Bakken formation in North
Dakota. The location of one or more fractures along the length of
the borehole is strictly controlled by various methods that create or
seal off holes in the side of the wellbore. Typically, hydraulic
fracturing is performed in cased wellbores and the zones to be
fractured are accessed by perforating the casing at those locations.
The two main purposes of fracturing fluid is to
extend fractures and to carry proppant into the formation. The
purpose of proppant is to stay there without damaging the formation
or production of the well. The fluid injected into the rock is
typically a slurry of water, proppants, and chemical additives.
Additionally, gels, foams, and compressed gases, including nitrogen,
carbon dioxide and air can be injected. Typically, the fracturing
fluid is 98–99.5% is water and sand with the chemicals accounting
to about 0.5%. Hydraulic fracturing uses 1 to 5 million gallons of
fluid per well, and additional fluid is used when wells are
refractured; this may be done several times.:
A proppant is a material that will keep an induced hydraulic fracture
open, during or following a fracturing treatment. Types of proppant
include silica sand, resin-coated sand, and man-made ceramics. These
vary depending on the type of permeability or grain strength needed.
The friction reducer is usually a polymer, the purpose of which is to
reduce pressure loss due to friction, thus allowing the pumps to pump
at a higher rate without having greater pressure on the surface. The
main way most friction reducers work is by changing turbulent flow to
laminar flow, also many of the friction reducers are polyacrilamide
which are good suspension agents ensuring the proppant does not fall
Chemical additives are applied to tailor the injected material to the
specific geological situation, protect the well, and improve its
operation, varying slightly based on the type of well. The
composition of injected fluid is sometimes changed as the fracturing
job proceeds. Often, acid is initially used to scour the perforations
and clean up the near-wellbore area. Afterward, high-pressure
fracture fluid is injected into the wellbore, with the pressure above
the fracture gradient of the rock. This fracture fluid contains
water-soluble gelling agents which increase viscosity and efficiently
deliver the proppant into the formation. As the fracturing process
proceeds, viscosity reducing agents such as oxidizers and enzyme
breakers are sometimes then added to the fracturing fluid to
deactivate the gelling agents and encourage flowback. At the end of
the job the well is commonly flushed with water (sometimes blended
with a friction reducing chemical) under pressure. Injected fluid is
to some degree recovered and is managed by several methods, such as
underground injection control, treatment and discharge, recycling, or
temporary storage in pits or containers. Over the life of a typical
gas well, up to 100,000 gallons of chemical additives may be used.
Since the early 2000s, advances in technology has
made drilling horizontal wellbores much more economical. Horizontal
wellbores allow for far greater exposure to a formation than a
conventional vertical wellbore. This is particularly useful in shale
formations which do not have sufficient permeability to produce
economically with a vertical well. The wellbore is divided into
sections that are fractured sequentially. There be more than 30
stages in the horizontal section of a single well. This multi-stage
fracturing technique has facilitated shale gas and light tight oil
production development in the United States and may make us energy
independent. Recently, China was estimated to have twice the
unconventional oil and gas resources of the United States.
Hydraulic fracturing has raised environmental concerns and is
challenging the adequacy of existing regulatory regimes. These
concerns have included ground water contamination, risks to air
quality, migration of gases and hydraulic fracturing chemicals to the
surface, mishandling of waste, and the health effects of all these.
A University of Texas study led by Charles Groat described the
environmental impact of each part of the hydraulic fracturing
process, which included:
- Drill pad construction and operation
- Construction, integrity, and performance of the wellbores
- Injection of the fluid once it is underground (which proponents consider the actual "fracking")
- Flowback of the fluid back towards the surface
- Blowouts, often unreported, which spew hydraulic fracturing fluid and other byproducts across surrounding area
- Integrity of other pipelines involved
- Disposal of the flowback, including waste water and other waste products
Several organizations, researchers, and media outlets
have reported difficulty in conducting and reporting the results of
studies on hydraulic fracturing due to industry and governmental
pressure, and expressed concern over possible censoring of
environmental reports.
Researchers have recommended requiring disclosure of all hydraulic
fracturing fluids, testing animals raised near fracturing sites, and
closer monitoring of environmental samples.
After court cases concerning
contamination from hydraulic fracturing are settled, the documents
are sealed. The American Petroleum Institute denies that this
practice has hidden problems with gas drilling, while others believe
it has and could lead to unnecessary risks to public safety and
One New York Times report claimed that the results of
a 2004 United States Environmental Protection Agency study were
censored due to political pressure. An early draft of the study had
discussed the possibility of environmental threats due to fracking,
but the final report omitted this. The study's scope had been
narrowed so that it only focused on the injection of fracking fluids,
while omitting other aspects of the process. The 2012 EPA Hydraulic
Fracturing Draft Plan was also narrowed thusly.
The air emissions from hydraulic fracking are related
to methane leaks originating from wells, and emissions from the
diesel or natural gas powered equipment such as compressors, drilling
rigs, pumps, etc. In some areas, elevated air levels of harmful
substances have coincided with elevated reports of health problems
among the local populations. In Dish, Texas, elevated substance
levels were detected and traced to fracking compressor stations, and
people living near shale gas drilling sites complained of health
problems, though a causal relationship to fracking was not
The large volumes of water required have raised concerns about
fracking in arid areas, During periods of low stream flow it may
affect water supplies for municipalities and industries such as power
generation, as well as recreation and aquatic life. It may also
require water overland piping from distant sources. An average US
well requires 3 to 8 million gallons of water.
There are concerns about possible contamination by hydraulic
fracturing fluid both as it is injected under high pressure into the
ground and as it returns to the surface. To mitigate the impact of
hydraulic fracturing to groundwater, the well and ideally the shale
formation itself should remain hydraulically isolated from other
geological formations, especially freshwater aquifers. While some of
the chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing are common and generally
harmless, some are known carcinogens or toxic. The most common
chemical used for hydraulic fracturing in the United States in
2005–2009 was methanol. An investigative report on the chemicals
used in hydraulic fracturing states that out of 2,500 hydraulic
fracturing products, "more than 650 of these products contained
chemicals that are known or possible human carcinogens, regulated
under the Safe Drinking Water Act, or listed as hazardous air
pollutants". The report also shows that between 2005 and 2009,
279 products had at least one component listed as "proprietary"
or "trade secret" on their required material safety data
Without knowing the identity of the proprietary components,
regulators cannot test for their presence. This prevents government
regulators from establishing baseline levels of the substances prior
to hydraulic fracturing and documenting changes in these levels,
thereby making it more difficult to prove that hydraulic fracturing
is contaminating the environment with these substances.
Another 2011 study identified 632 chemicals used in natural gas
operations. Only 353 of these are well-described in the scientific
literature. The study recommended full disclosure of all products
used, along with extensive air and water monitoring near natural gas
operations; it also recommended that fracking's exemption from
regulation under the US Safe Drinking Water Act be rescinded.
As the fracturing fluid flows back through the well,
it consists of spent fluids and may contain dissolved constituents
such as minerals and brine waters. These fluids, commonly known as
flowback or wastewater, are managed by underground injection,
wastewater treatment and discharge, or recycling to fracture future
wells. Treatment of produced waters may be feasible through either
self-contained systems at well sites or fields or through municipal
waste water treatment plants or commercial treatment facilities.
However, the quantity of waste water needing treatment and the
improper configuration of sewage plants have become an issue in some
regions of the United States. Much of the wastewater from hydraulic
fracturing operations is processed by public sewage treatment plants,
which are not equipped to remove radioactive
material and are not required to test for
Groundwater methane contamination is also a concern
as it has adverse impact on water quality and in extreme cases may
lead to potential explosion. However, methane contamination is not
always caused by fracking. Drilling for ordinary drinking water wells
can also cause methane release. Several studies have determined that
methane migration into freshwater zones has occurred some areas, most
likely as a result of substandard well completion practices.
Hydraulic fracturing fluid might release heavy metals and radioactive
materials from the deposit which may reflow to the surface by the
flowback. Concerns have been expressed that radioactive tracers may
return to the surface with flowback and during blow outs. Recycling
the wastewater has been proposed as a solution but has its
limitations. The EPA has asked the Pennsylvania Department of
Environmental Protection to require community water systems in
certain locations, and centralized wastewater treatment facilities to
conduct testing for radionuclides.
Hydraulic fracturing causes induced seismicity called microseismic
events or microearthquakes. The magnitude of these events is usually
too small to be detected at the surface. The injection of waste
water from gas operations, including from hydraulic fracturing, into
saltwater disposal wells may cause bigger low-magnitude tremors.
The United States Geological Survey has reported
earthquakes induced by human measures, including hydraulic fracturing
and the waste disposal wells, in several locations. According to the
USGS only a small fraction of roughly 40,000 waste fluid disposal
wells for oil and gas operations have induced earthquakes that are
large enough to be of concern to the public. Although the magnitudes
of these quakes has been small, the USGS says that there is no
guarantee that larger quakes will not occur. In addition, the
frequency of the quakes has been increasing. There are also concerns
that quakes may damage underground gas, oil, and water lines and
wells that were not designed to withstand earthquakes.
Several earthquakes occurring throughout 2011, including a 4.0
magnitude quake on New Year's Eve that hit Youngstown, Ohio, are
likely linked to a disposal of hydraulic fracturing wastewater,
according to seismologists at Columbia University. A similar series
of small earthquakes occurred in 2012 in Texas. Earthquakes are not
common occurrences in either area.
To control the hydraulic fracturing industry, some governments are
developing legislation and some municipalities are developing local
zoning limitations. In 2011, France became the first nation to ban
hydraulic fracturing. Other countries have placed a temporary
moratorium on the practice. The US has the longest history with
hydraulic fracturing, so its approaches to hydraulic fracturing may
be modeled by other countries.
In the public argument over "fracking",
there is some divergence in the use of the word "fracking".
In one study the term "fracking" was narrowly defined as
only referring
to the injection of fluid under pressure to create pathways. The
study's definition excluded the impact of equipment failure, the
nature of the fluids themselves, the preparations prior to injection,
and procedures and events following the injection. Others, including
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, hold "fracking"
to mean the entire process of resource extraction, specifically of
gas in shale, starting with building the well pads through recovering
the gas, and dealing with the wastewater. This differing usage
allows newspapers such as the Vancouver Sun
to state that fracking has never contaminated groundwater, while The
New York Times reports that it likely has.
In summary, hydraulic fracturing is a major economics
and energy issue for the US and may provide energy independence in
the next 10 - 20 years. The question is "can we obtain this
energy without excessive damage to our water, air, and climate?"