Welcome, everyone.
As your new 'Supper Club Mama,' I want to encourage everyone to send Mike Dargan your speech after the presentation. dargan@gmail.com
Any questions, contact me, Cherie Dargan and if I don't know, I'll contact Judy, Lynn, or Paul. cheriedargan@gmail.com
Mike and I also use a Google Voice Mail number: 319-833-9118. When you call this number, we'll get an email with the message and will call you back.
The Cedar Falls Supper Club is moving to the Diamond Event Center at the Western Home Communities as of August, 2023. We meet on the third Tuesday of the month, except for those three exceptions, as noted. Remember, the club was sometimes known as 'Town and Gown,' and we try to accommodate those members who teach at the University or HCC and have Spring Break.
If you invite a guest, here is the address:
5307 Caraway Lane, Cedar Falls, Iowa
I will use Google Groups to contact you, instead of typing 23 names. You can also communicate with all of us by using the following. Just copy and paste.
Here is the lineup for 2023,
Unfortunately, they already gave away our September date.
So, we're going to New Aldaya for one meeting.
Back to the Diamond Event Center
Last updated July 16, 2023